Handmade Accessories Price List

Contact: tabithaoyediran@gmail.com
Hats: $20.00 Scarfs: $25.00 Gloves: $15.00
Fibers: Wool, Alpaca, Acrylic, & Cashmere at cost.
Payment: PAYPAL, cash, money order, cleared check.

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Friday, March 21, 2008

Green Lace Fingerless Gloves

I finished my beloved green gloves. They are everything I thought they would be. The lace pattern and decreases make a lovely visual. Very streamlined. As I am waiting to buy yarn, I used up some of my mystery yarn from ebay. I do not recommend buying yarn from ebay, it was not the color I thought it would be. Unless you see the brand you can go and look up elsewhere to make sure you know what you are getting stick to yarn stores!! The mystery yarn was very soft though, so I used it in a cabled hat, and I am making gloves with a cabled pattern to match. What I can whip up when I am bored! It makes me smile to show off my lace and cables to the family women...sisters and Mom. They are the sewers..I was never good at that. They have nothing on my lace!! HAH! Well I am into yet another phase of knitting. The garment phase. I am getting a collection of toddler patterns together. I want to start sweaters. I feel I should start with a small size first before committing to a large adult sized project. I need to practice, plus I can crank them out at a faster pace. Today I bought a blocking board and pins to get myself started when it comes time to block that first article of clothing. I am excited!! With my collection of patterns and knitting books growing, I have a good selection of sweaters to chose from!! America, watch the next phase begin!!!

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