Handmade Accessories Price List

Contact: tabithaoyediran@gmail.com
Hats: $20.00 Scarfs: $25.00 Gloves: $15.00
Fibers: Wool, Alpaca, Acrylic, & Cashmere at cost.
Payment: PAYPAL, cash, money order, cleared check.

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Friday, May 30, 2008

Rockefella Sweater

I must admit I was a lot happier with this sweater than with the Twinkle Hoodie. The Yarn I used was not itchy at all, it was merino wool, and it had a faint lovely barn yard smell in it. I enjoyed the pattern, it was more interesting to do, the cables were a nice touch but I feel the lacing around the cables took away from it, it made it look too holey. I feel i went a little light on the gauge as I did not want to but the very expensive twinkle yarn. I managed to get the similar look, but if I had used the correct yarn I feel the weight of it would have made the garment lay better. But honestly, how much more bulk can you stand? I like it for around the house, and on accident I might wear it to the store. Poor Twinkle Hoodie would never be let outside, so all in all I feel it is a better sweater, and yarn for this. But it is now official, I am done with the bulky knits phase.

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